Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Eight Types of Leaders

 One of my favorite things to do is to speak to graduate students on the topic of leadership. It's a topic that always generates robust discussion, questions and problem solving. And, inevitably, those in the class will pose a problem caused by a bad leader. 

I thus used this visual in the most recent appearance that I made at the Integrated Marketing Communications grad class at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus in Overland Park, KS. How many of these types of "leaders" have you worked for and/or with?

We all have our own horror stories of working with a wind bag or a parrot or any of the other six shown here. Trust me, I've worked with them all. And, I've found ways to work with each, navigating the challenges associated with these eight in order to drive results.

Let's have a conversation about your leadership challenges. I'm confident that I can help.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

"The World's Greatest Metronome"

 The death on Tuesday of Charlie Watts, drummer for The Rolling Stones, has made me reflect on his life and the steady leadership that he provided to the "world's greatest rock-and-roll band." 

Watts joined the Stones in 1963 and never missed a concert during that timespan of numerous tours, albums and appearances. News of his death caused a variety of tributes from fellow entertainers. The Who's lead singer, Roger Daltrey, said Watts was the "perfect gentleman, as sharp in his manner of dress as he was on the drums." And Joan Baez commented that he was "a prince among thieves" and " a gentleman through and through."

It was Questlove's (The Roots) tribute, though, that I found most interesting. 

"He's always been a solid foundational drummer. He was the anti-drummer. He wasn't performative to let you know how hard he was f----ing working. He gave you the basic foundation." 

Quest continued, "Watts became a legend not because of who he was associated with but because he's providing the foundation. Only real drummers know the value of Charlie Watts and the fact that he was the world's greatest metronome. Trust me, his 'less is more' technique is probably some of the most genius playing that you'll ever hear."

There is certainly a lesson in leadership in the way that Watts provided the foundation for a band that has been together for 58 years and which includes two enormous personalities (onstage and off) in Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. One can easily make the case that the Stones would not have been "the Stones" without the talent - and quiet leadership - of Charlie Watts. Watts' place in The Rolling Stones is a lesson for all of us in how we perform, team...and lead.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Road Closed to Thru Traffic

  A week ago, a digital road sign appeared in my neighborhood saying “Street closed, August 12.” 

The notice caused a momentary, mental "hmmm" as I carried on with my mission of wherever I was going in my car. I gave the sign nary a thought after that one flicker of acknowledgment.

The date of August 12 came and I was once again in my car traveling the usual route when I came across a larger, more permanent sign in the road that said "ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC." My muscle memory told me to carry on because this is my normal route, right? I quickly came across another sign, across the entire road, that emphasized "ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC."

I grudgingly turned the car around and found an alternate route to my destination. While longer and less direct, I still arrived at where I needed to go.

Isn't this a metaphor for life these days? Isn't this a metaphor for what businesses and brands and organizations are dealing with as the pandemic hit, seemingly waned, and now is back in its continued disruption of our usual, chosen paths? How many saw an initial sign but carried on believing the challenge to be short-lived? Or, perhaps not believing that it was a challenge at all?

The longer, altered route may be less satisfying during the journey but the end result is often more rewarding given the challenge that's been overcome. While the longer way may not synch up with our desire for instant gratification or our muscle memory, it does satisfy the need to problem solve and to achieve the desired result.

Don't let the longer way get in your way.