Wednesday, August 9, 2017

When networking blows back on you

What do you do when you broker an introduction as part of a networking exercise only to have it go awry?

I was in a meeting yesterday with several marketing communications colleagues. At the conclusion of our session, one of them pulled me aside and diplomatically said "Hey, that person that you introduced to me via email never followed up. I just wanted you to know."

I'm sure my face displayed my frustration as I was mortified. I take great pride in making sure that anyone I recommend for a job or that I introduce to a colleague is someone that I truly vouch for and would hire myself, if given that opportunity.

There are many "how to" posts out there on networking and relationship building. However, none that I've seen focuses on the consequence of what happens when your recommended contact fails to follow up. How will my colleague, referenced above, react the next time I send someone her way? Or, will I even feel right about sending a recommended associate to her in the future?

The lesson, if you're the recommend-er, is to carefully and thoroughly vet your introduction. And, I'd suggest that as part of the networking process and agreement to broker an introduction comes a reminder to your recommend-ee that they have to follow up with an explanation as to why - that it's your relationship that is on the line here.

As for those who get recommended, my admonition is this - follow the hell up with the person to whom you've been recommended! You've been given a gift - accept it and take advantage of the opportunity.

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